The Short List

I have......
  1. Gone ice-blocking
  2. Seen a starfish climb from the ocean to the beach
  3. Skinny-dipped in a lake AND the ocean
  4. Read a LOT of books
  5. Eaten octopus, alligator and a chocolate-covered cricket
  6. Soaked in a natural hot springs
  7. Hiked the Narrows
  8. Jumped off a cliff into water
  9. Swam under a waterfall
  10. Driven the Road to Hana
  11. Gone through a level 5 rapid in a raft and gotten shot out
  12. Danced on a bar in Las Vegas
  13. Gotten tattoos
  14. Driven for hours to see a movie premiere
  15. Swam with sea turtles and even touched some of them
  16. Watched a lighting storm on the beach in the Bahamas from a hammock
  17. Driven across 6 states in a week
  18. Walked across the Bridges in Madison County
  19. Saved a person's life
  20. Kept backyard chickens
  21. Painted a room in my home hot pink for no other reason than I wanted to
  22. Have been a Big Sister for the Big Brothers & Big Sisters
  23. Smoked a Cuban cigar
  24. Had my dream wedding in the beach

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