Friday, June 15, 2012

Jump Off a Bridge

I officially have felt the change in my body when it goes from adrenaline-pumped directly to complete panic-mode.  They shared the same place in my body for a split second.  Quickly followed by the best feeling of excitement ever.
A couple months ago I got the idea that I absolutely had to go bungee jumping ASAP.  And within 2 weeks I was making the 2 hour trek through the Angeles National Forest to The Bridge to Nowhere.  It was the first weekend of Spring and had rained the weekend before.  The hike itself was awesome.  So beautiful with all the wildflowers poking out of the rocks (we were pretty much hiking along and through a river and crossed it 5 or 6 times one way), the trees were green, it was a rare moment in Southern California.  Things are green for a split second before they return to brown and dried out.  Plus it was through this really cool canyon.  I’d make the hike even if it didn’t result in jumping off a bridge at the end.

When we got to the top, we all took a rest, ate some lunch, and had some quick and thorough instruction from the jump company.  Then it was time.  They had two jump platforms, so they could strap someone in and get them ready while someone else was jumping.  It went a lot faster that way.  Which was good because there were a TON of people there.  Mostly college kids who were celebrating after a week of finals.  The funniest part was watching the people who had paid to come, made the 2 hour hike, got all the way strapped in, climbed over the bridge onto the platform, then didn’t want to jump.  I know there are people in the world frightened by bungee jumping, I just thought they would have worked it all out by the time they got to that point!  They always ended up jumping though after some enthusiastic words of encouragement.
Then came my turn.  I was so stoked.  I couldn't wait.  I strapped in, climbed over the bridge and wait for them to give me the signal.  
"Are you ready?!"
Then, together we yelled, "One, two, three, BOOM!"

And I jumped.  It was amazing.  But like I said before, there was that brief moment of thinking, "I'm going to die!"  But that faded so quickly as I took in what was happening.  As I hit the bottom of the cord's stretch and started hurdling back towards the bottom of the bridge, I thought for a split second how embarrassing it would be to die from colliding into the BOTTOM of a bridge.  Then I looked around as I bounced a few more times.  It was beautiful.  The sun was casting shadows in the canyon, the flowing stream was underneath me, and the sky was so blue.  When they started to pull me up I just wanted to do it again.
On the hike back, I had a feeling of peace from being outside all day, accomplishment for jumping off a bridge like a champ, and left that day feeling like I could do anything.

Went Out of my Way to See a Great Film

I’ve come to the realization that I thoroughly enjoy movies with quick, witty and monotone lines. 
I went to see Moonrise Kingdom yesterday.  It was amazing.  No surprise of course since Wes Anderson rocks in the movie making field.  His movies just take you to another parallel universe.  It’s not so different from the way we live, but there are just not people like the ones he has in his movies.  At least not so concentrated in one geographical location.  But they’re wonderful.  All his quirky, intelligent, impeccably dressed characters.
Khaki Scout Sam was, by far, the best part of the movie.  When he so nonchalantly expels his outdoor knowledge to his lady love, I was dying in my seat.  Even with what life has handed out to him in his short time on Earth, he seems so comfortable in his skin.  His life is so uncertain, yet when he speaks, there is no uncertainty in his tone.  So many geeks in movies are so apologetic in their manner, but not Sam.  Instead of being the kid you feel sorry for and want to protect, you kind of leave wishing you had a Sam in your life growing up.  Or even now.  It’s no wonder he ends up where he does at the end. 
So even though I had to drive an hour away, PAY for a ticket (my sister works at a theater, and I normally cringe at the idea of having to pay for a ticket), and spilled coffee all over the inside of my purse when I was trying to sneak it in the theater, it was all worth it.  Moonrise Kingdom left me wanting more.  I hope Wes Anderson continues making movies for a hundred years.  And that we develop the technology to allow that to happen. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Spread My Culinary Wings

I just got brought back from the dead.  Culinarily that is.  I love cooking, especially with fresh ingredients (chopping is my favorite), but some events over the last couple months have kind of thrown me through a loop and I haven't done a lot of REAL food cooking lately.  It's been mostly stuff thrown together, store-bought food, even fast-food (yuck!).  So this morning I made myself go to the farmer's market.  It had been too long.  I used to go every weekend!
So I packed up the girls and we were off.  It was a beautiful morning.  The fog came in last night and kept things cooler for a June morning in Southern California.  Downtown was bustling with people eating breakfast outside little restaurants, reading and, of course, going to the farmer's market.  This is the best time of year for this kind of thing.  There are so many kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables in season right now.  It was hard not to buy it all.  Everything looked so ripe and delicious.  We passed the berry stand first and saw these gorgeous golden raspberries that my daughter just had to have (and is currently trying to make herself sick on them by attempting to talk me into allowing her to eat them all in one sitting).  There were tiny zucchinis, bell peppers, onions, potatoes of all different colors and sizes, herbs (I snatched some basil (my favorite!) up right away), oranges, cherries, so much stuff!  So we made the rounds, grabbed up a bunch of yummy goods and made our way home.
It was lunchtime when we got back so I fixed the girls some berries and chicken really quick, then, with the kitchen to myself, I went to work.
First I cooked some quinoa in chicken stock (I like the stock because it helps give it a heartier flavor).  While that was doing it's thing, I chopped half an onion and began sauteing it in some butter in a large pan.  Then I chopped the baby zucchinis and threw those in after the onions had cooked for a few minutes.  A few minutes later, when the onions were looking translucent, I threw in chopped red and yellow bell peppers.  When everything was the at the tenderness I liked, I threw in a can of drained black beans.  While the beans were warming up I threw in a bunch of cumin, probably 2-3 tablespoons, salt to taste, around 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (since I was out of the real stuff) and some chili powder.  Meanwhile, the quinoa had cooked and was cooling off.  After I was done seasoning the bean and vegetable mixture, I added the quinoa and half a large bunch of chopped cilantro.  I stirred that up, scooped some into a bowl and devoured it.  Quite happily by the way :)